B&W Revised Part I​​​​​​​
I went back to my portfolio of the last almost 10 years to revisit some of the landscape photographs done during many travels.   This mini series of photographs were pre-selected and then  re-developed in order to achieve this final result.
Cap d’Artrutx - Menorca - Spain - 2022
Palacio de Bellas Artes - Mexico City - 2017
Parque Nacional Torres del Paine - Chile - 2014
La Perla - Guayaquil - Ecuador - 2018
Rockefeller Building - New York - 2017
La Diana - Mexico City - 2017
Cap d’Artrutx - Menorca - Spain - 2022
Desierto de Atacama - Chile - 2014
Trump tower - Chicago - 2013
Ciutadella - Menorca - Spain - 2022
Torre St. Regis Hotel - Mexico City - 2017 
Brickel - Miami - 2017

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